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Issue 26 of Dear Doctor Magazine

In this Issue of Dear Doctor - Dentistry & Oral Health magazine:

Issue 1, Volume 8
Letter from Dear Doctor
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Cover Story
Taylor Hicks
Ever since he was 8 years old, Taylor Hicks dreamed of becoming a star. The Alabama native taught himself to sing and play three instruments, and took every opportunity to showcase his talent. Still, it took an unlikely combination of circumstances — a hurricane, a free plane ticket, and a surprise phone call — to land him on American Idol. Taylor talks to Dear Doctor about following his heart and achieving his dream.
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Feature Articles
Crowns & Bridgework
Replacing missing teeth — even the ones in back — is important to help restore chewing ability as well as preserve facial contours and reestablish a pleasing smile. Most crowns are made of tooth-colored ceramic materials, which are shaped to look and function just like normal healthy teeth. Crowns and bridgework may sometimes be the best tooth-replacement option, especially when dental implants aren't an option...
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Vitamins & Dietary Supplements
Vitamin deficiencies can adversely affect oral as well as general health. Does that mean you should take vitamins? Not necessarily. While the health benefits of taking vitamins and dietary supplements is mixed, there has been some very concrete evidence established that taking too much of them can actually be dangerous...
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Dental Implants
Dental implants are one of the most reliable long-term methods of tooth replacement. Since they became widely available in the 1980s, numerous scientific studies have demonstrated 10-year success rates of over 95%. Of course, that begs the question of what happens in the small percentage of problematic cases that don't go so well...
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Good Oral Health Leads to Better Health Overall
Scientific studies are showing that how well you care for your teeth and gums affects other parts of your body — and vice versa. In fact, untreated gum disease can allow certain systemic diseases to flourish. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory illnesses...
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Financing Dental Care
Dentistry can do so much these days to improve a person's health, appearance and self-confidence. Of course, like anything that involves the time and resources of skilled professionals, highly technical and sophisticated dental treatment doesn't come inexpensively; indeed, the phrase “you get what you pay for” especially applies to creating a natural-looking smile. So how does one pay for it? We examine the options...
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Root Canal Treatment
How Long Will It Last?
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Snacking at School
How to Protect Your Child's Teeth and Promote Good Nutrition
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Sedation Dentistry For Kids
Helping Children Overcome Fear and Anxiety
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Cleaning Between Your Teeth
How Water Flossing Can Help
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Geographic Tongue
No Cause For Alarm
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