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Issue 20 of Dear Doctor Magazine

In this Issue of Dear Doctor - Dentistry & Oral Health magazine:

Issue 1, Volume 6
Letter from Dear Doctor
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Cover Story
Cheryl Burke
Cheryl Burke was a 21-year-old competitive ballroom dancer when she was discovered by the producers of ABC's Dancing with the Stars. Seven years later, this vivacious performer is still having a ball teaching celebrity dancers to shine. In her Dear Doctor interview, Cheryl talks about taking care of herself from head to toe, and the one oral hygiene product she'd never want to do without.
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Feature Articles
Important Teeth Whitening Questions Answered!
In Dear Doctor's interview with nationally noted teeth-whitening expert Dr. Van B. Haywood, he answers questions about bleaching techniques and safety in achieving the best possible results. If you are thinking about getting your teeth whitened at your dentist's office or doing it yourself at home, this is a must-read...
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Seeking Relief From TMD
TMD, or Temporomandibular Disorders, is an umbrella term for various painful conditions that affect the jaw joints. There are different treatment approaches to TMD problems, but not all are based on science. It's important to be up on the latest information and to be an educated consumer. In this comprehensive article, Dear Doctor provides state-of-the-art information and guidance on what you should know, whom you should see, and what you should ask...
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How to Help Your Child Develop the Best Habits for Oral Health
Proper oral health habits are easy to learn — and lead to behaviors that result in life-long dental health. And the time to begin is as soon as your child's first baby teeth appear. From tooth-brushing for your toddler to helping your teenager stay away from tobacco, Dear Doctor offers the most important tips for healthy habit formation through childhood and beyond...
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How Sun Damage Ages Your Skin
There really is no such thing as a healthy tan. What's more, sun damage starts in childhood and is cumulative over a lifetime, especially affecting your face — the most exposed part of your skin. If you notice brown spots, dark patches or other changes to your facial skin as you get older, you are seeing the effects of prior sun exposure. Sun damage can take many forms — from cosmetic to cancerous. Learn what changes to look for, how to protect your skin and prevent further damage...
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Bulimia, Anorexia & Oral Health
How dentists spot signs of eating disorders
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Dental Implants For Teenagers
Timing is everything when replacing a teen's missing teeth
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How Thumb Sucking Affects The Bite
"Tongue thrust" therapy helps ensure successful treatment
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Confusing Tooth Pain
Combined root canal and gum problems can cause confusing symptoms
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Loose Teeth
How biting forces can loosen teeth
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Guest Editorial
A Dental Patient's Bill Of Rights & Responsibilities
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