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Dr. David M. Sarver

Birmingham, AL Orthodontist

Dr. David M. Sarver, DMD.

Dr. David Sarver: B.S. Auburn University,1973; D.M.D, University of Alabama School of Dentistry, 1977; M.S., Certificate in Orthodontics, University of North Carolina, 1979. Dr. Sarver is a: Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics; member of the Angle Society of Orthodontists; adjunct professor University of North Carolina. He has authored the orthodontic text, "Esthetic Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery" and co-authored "Contemporary Treatment of Dento-facial Deformity." Additionally, Dr. Sarver is a co-author of the text "Contemporary Orthodontics", the most widely used orthodontic text in the world. He is an international teacher and researcher; his award-winning research has been featured on national television. Dr. Sarver has maintained a private practice in Orthodontics since 1979.

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