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Dr. Max A. Listgarten

Foster City, CA Periodontist

Dr. Max  A. Listgarten, DDS.

Professor Max A. Listgarten is a world renowned researcher and preceptor in the field of periodontal research. He is one of the most highly honored and acclaimed scientists in the field. His contribution to understanding the structural biology of periodontal tissues in health and disease; periodontal microbiology; periodontal diagnosis and implant dentistry has been invaluable to dentistry. He was the first to use electron microscopy to detail the structure of the periodontal tissues. He is the author of over 250 publications. He is an internationally renowned researcher, lecturer and teacher par excellence. During his illustrious career he has held major positions in, and been associated with the world's greatest dental institutions including the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, the University of Toronto and the American Academy of Periodontology.

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